Most people who know me, know I'm not really a black power type of dude. I am very critical of black people and I love to challenge them. However, my race war blog will make me seem a bit "Pro Black!".
Anyway, Race Wars II has to do with my disdain for black men with white women. Yes, if you know me at all, you know I have had my fair share of white women, but my mentality is different (reference Race Wars I). The problem I have with BM and WW stems from the mentality I believe some black men have as a result of marrying or being with a WW. They feel as if they have reached the pinnacle of success and are accomplished as a result of having a white lady. In other words, they equate success to having a white woman. That annoys me like you wouldn't believe and I'm insulted for black men and black women. Some men feel like that affirms them much more so than a black lady, I personally find that a little offensive.
I spoke about my feelings on why I couldn't see myself with a white girl, but I know ppl love who you love. However, I'm an honest dude and I will say when I see a black guy with a white girl, it bothers me a lot more than when I see a black girl with a white dude.
Allow me to paint this picture............
Black guy grew up in a predominantly white surrounding his whole life that's what he likes because of personal preference and what he has been exposed to. In this situation, you do what you know, and you like who likes you! The way that person grew up, I understand what it is.
Black guy grows up around everyone and likes both races equally and marries a white girl. I question it because his reasoning could be suspect. You have dealt with black and white girls, I feel like you can find a nice sister to hold you down, but maybe just maybe, you have always just had a better relationship with the white ladies, we can call that a "Push" (Casino Term).
Black guy grows up around black ppl his whole life but is now getting money whether it be corporate or athlete money and he marries a white girl, I really question this. What the fuck is that about?? I have a bunch of white friends that i love dearly, but it bothers me that people still believe that this is ok. Im not Pro Woman, but sisters do put up with a lot of our shyt when we are on the come up an then to just jump ship because you feel "white is right" infuriates me a lil bit. Im not saying dont love who you love, but love where you are from First and foremost. Dont be ashamed of who you are or where you are from. You are who you are because you came from where you came. Own it!!!